16 Poultec Staff Members vs Yorkshire 3 Peaks

This May, 16 Poultec Training staff members will take on Pen y Ghent, Whernside and Ingleborough; the Yorkshire 3 Peaks. The challenge will consist of walking a total distance of 39.2km (24.5 Miles) in less than 12 hours in aid of Little Lifts charity. This steep, rocky path with awe-inspiring views giving all participates an immense sense of achievement. The Poultec team will tackle this gruelling walk on Sunday 14th May 2023.
Everyone is very excited and motivated to accomplish this challenge. Many have already begun training in preparation to smash the 3 peaks! Many are completing this in honour of family members, friends and colleagues who have had or who are currently going through breast cancer treatment. Breast cancer can strike anyone at any time, every year approximately 55,000 women and 350 men are diagnosed with breast cancer and 36,000 women living with secondary (incurable) every year, making it the most common cancer. Little Lifts aim is to provide all breast cancer patients with free, thoughtfully curated Little Lifts gift boxes when they’re receiving chemotherapy or radiotherapy treatment.
The challenge will start at 6:30am with Pen y Ghent being the first mountain at 694m on the descend down we will head to the north west which then continues up along the railway line and curve round to the second peak Whernside at 736m. This is where we will cross the county boundary to Cumbria to get to the top. The final peak is Ingleborough at 724m followed by a long 5-mile descent down to the finishing point, Horton in Ribblesdale.
‘We are delighted and proud that so many of the Poultec team have decided to take part in the three peaks challenge to raise funds for Littlelifts. This is one of a series of fundraisers that our team have planned to support the work of this fantastic charity whose work is close to so many of our hearts.’ Leroy Burrell, Associate Director.
We are proud to be a Platinum sponsors to Little Lifts and it is our mission to raise as much money as possible for them! Therefore, on behalf of all the staff here at Poultec, we were greatly appreciative of any support and donations for this fundraising event.
Any donations would be greatly appreciated, big or small every penny counts. Either to the whole group 'Team Poultec' or to the individuals.
Team Poultec - https://littlelifts.enthuse.com/pf/team-poultec
Poultec 3 Peak Challengers!
Mark Whybra - https://littlelifts.enthuse.com/pf/yorkshire3peaksmarkwhybra
Anna Lown - https://littlelifts.enthuse.com/pf/yorkshire3peaksannalown
Ellen Warner - https://littlelifts.enthuse.com/pf/yorkshire3peaksellenwarner
Nic Guy - https://littlelifts.enthuse.com/pf/yorkshire3peaksnicolaguy
Hannah Clark - https://littlelifts.enthuse.com/pf/hannah-clark
Scott Hughes - https://littlelifts.enthuse.com/pf/scott-hughes
Chloe Foxhall - https://littlelifts.enthuse.com/pf/chloe-foxhall
Harry Gagen - https://littlelifts.enthuse.com/pf/yorkshire3peaksHarryGagen
Lloyd George - https://littlelifts.enthuse.com/pf/lloyd-george
Kerry Lennon - https://littlelifts.enthuse.com/pf/yorkshire3peakskerrylennon
Chanelle Arnold - https://littlelifts.enthuse.com/pf/chanelle-arnold
Paula Forder - https://littlelifts.enthuse.com/pf/yorkshire3peakspaula-forder
Ryan Hawkins - https://littlelifts.enthuse.com/pf/ryan-hawkins
Ben Gaskins - https://littlelifts.enthuse.com/pf/yorkshire3peaksbengaskins
Kurtis Russen - https://littlelifts.enthuse.com/pf/kurtis-russen3peaks
Georgia Grey - https://littlelifts.enthuse.com/pf/georgia-grey