Distinction achieved by our first Level 5 Operations & Departmental Manager Apprenticeship Standard learner!

Dan at Century Logistics in Bury St Edmunds has completed the final part of the Level 5 Operations & Departmental Manager Apprenticeship, an Independent End Point Assessment which consisted of a knowledge test, a competency-based interview, an assessment of portfolio of evidence, a presentation of work-based project with Q&A and a professional discussion relating to CPD activity. Dan smashed both elements of this Apprenticeship standard and achieved the best score possible, a distinction!
Dan started working for Century Logistics in July 2010 as an administrator for the service centre and QA dept. He then decided to develop his skills and train as an engineer, so completed an NVQ Level 2 in Engineering back in August 2012. ‘My aim was to help develop the department’ says Dan.
In 2013 Dan was promoted to supervisor of the repair centre, however in 2014 the department split into separate entities with the assistant manager taking the QA Co-Ordinator role and himself taking the Service Centre Co-Ordinator position. Dan says ‘To help to improve my knowledge and skills to reach the management position, I enrolled onto the ILM Level 3 in Management via Poultec Training Ltd which I completed in 2017, alongside other qualifications.
In 2018 Dan was promoted to Service Centre Manager and thought it was time to sign up for his ILM Level 5 to prepare himself for a more senior management role in the future. Dan’s management skills were definitely noticed as he won Century’s 2018 manager of the year award!
‘Since completing the Apprenticeship I have accepted further responsibility into my role
, understanding legal requirements for our buildings and working with contractors to fulfil site maintenance. I have also been providing further support to other departments to improve my knowledge of the overall picture in line with the requirements of an operations/general manager. I’m excited for the opportunities this qualification could open up for my career going forward’ comments Dan.
Michelle, Dan’s tutor says, ‘I am so pleased that Dan has passed his Level 5 Operational Management course with a distinction. He worked hard throughout his course and showed commitment towards achieving even during an extremely busy time within his workplace.’
For more information or to apply for an apprenticeship visit www.poultec.co.uk or call 01362 850983.