First Hospitality Team Member Apprentice, Holly receives distinction at EPA!

Holly recently achieved a Distinction (highest grade possible) for the Hospitality Team Member Apprenticeship Standard. Holly is our first Hospitality Team Member Apprentice to complete an End Point Assessment and she absolutely smashed it. Congratulations Holly!
Holly landed a Hospitality Apprenticeship back in June 2019 but was made redundant in March 2020 as a result of the Coronavirus pandemic. Holly’s future looked to be very uncertain at that time but she continued working towards her qualification unsure of whether she would be able to complete it. In July 2020 Holly secured a job at The Sitting Room in Sheringham where her new employer supported her in completing her project and EPA for her qualification. In December 2020, Holly completed her Apprenticeship and End Point Assessment with flying colours. Holly says ‘Instead of giving up I kept going with my Apprenticeship work, which turned out to be the best choice as I now have a Hospitality qualification.’
‘Well done Holly, you have shown that with commitment, hard work, grit and determination that you can achieve your goals’ says Holly’s tutor, Rachael.
Holly has since progressed onto another Apprenticeship, ILM Level 3 Diploma for Managers via Poultec Training Ltd.