Fitness enthusiast Georgia gains distinction at EPA!

Georgia, aged 20 was delighted to receive the news of achieving a distinction in her final part EPA (End Point Assessment) for her Level 3 Personal Trainer Apprenticeship. ‘The best thing about being a Fitness Apprentice was gaining knowledge, confidence and being able to see my progress grow throughout the course.’ Georgia would recommend doing a Fitness Apprenticeship to anyone who enjoys exercise and keen to learn in depth about fitness to help progress in their career. Throughout Georgia’s Apprenticeship she was able to take on more 1-1 sessions as she felt she had the key knowledge and skills to provide these sessions to gym members as well as leading group classes.
The fitness EPA consisted of three assessments over two days they entailed a three-hour observation in the gym followed by a 30-minute presentation on business planning and an overview of clients fitness goals and ways to help the client achieve them plus a 90-minute interview. After completing all aspects Georgia said ‘I have mixed feelings about how it went but I feel confident about my observation section.’ Georgia put in the time and effort, went above what was required to make sure she gained the best end result and it was certainly worth it as she achieved a distinction, the highest grade possible. ‘I was thrilled to bits when I found out I got a distinction. A special thanks to my tutor Anne for teaching and supporting me throughout my whole Apprenticeship’ says Georgia.
Georgia started working at Gymtec Fitness in December 2019, her job entails providing tailored programmes and 1-1 sessions to members, carrying out health assessments to track members progress and help set goals, leading group classes and keeping the gym clean and tidy for the safety and hygiene of all members.
‘Sixth Form, College and University education methods just isn’t the way for some people, some people are more visual and physical learners and therefore would do better from learning on the job instead of in a classroom’ says Georgia. Georgia choose the Apprenticeship route once she felt the University she was attending wasn’t for her, she felt really out of place and it made her unsure about where her future was going. However, when she heard about the Fitness Apprenticeship from the Gymtec Fitness team she knew it was exactly what she wanted to do. ‘I was really excited to take that route instead so I could learn on the job’ states Georgia.
Georgia shared her overall view on her Fitness Apprenticeship with us ‘I’ve enjoyed all of my lessons taught by Anne, she has been really supportive and helpful. I’ve loved my time spent in the gym, working with clients and improving my knowledge and people skills. I’ve gained a lot of confidence through this Apprenticeship and I am already onto the next challenge, I have enrolled onto my assessor’s qualification which will mean I can become a tutor and teach fitness enthusiasts like myself through their Fitness Apprenticeships.’
‘Georgia has been an excellent learner, she was committed to her course and worked hard through the pandemic and lockdown. Although some of her lessons were remote on Zoom she still excelled and gained a well-deserved distinction. Gymtec has once again produced another level 3 learner - Well done Georgia’ says Poultec tutor Anne