Gold Medallist, Jessica-Jane Applegate MBE, Congratulates Poultec Learners

On Thursday 18th September, Poultec Training hosted their annual Learner Awards, a celebration of those completing qualifications with Poultec over the last 12-months. Learners from each of Poultec’s delivery areas were nominated by their tutor where they had excelled in their learning or overcome barriers to complete their qualifications. Award categories included Agriculture, Food Manufacturing, Business Administration & IT, Customer Service & Retail, Hospitality & Catering, Hair & Beauty (youth award), Hospitality & Catering (youth award) and Functional Skills. Young Apprenticeship learners were also entered into the Apprenticeship Award, to recognise the top young Apprentice.
Paralympic Gold Medallist, Jessica-Jane Applegate MBE and her coach Alex Pinnigar were guest speakers at the awards ceremony held at South Green Park. Jessica-Jane presented certificates to the 38 nominated learners for the awards, followed by the presenting of the crystal trophy’s to the nine award winners. During their inspirational presentation, Alex described the commitment and dedication that Jessica-Jane had towards her vigorous training programme. Jessica-Jane proudly showed the audience, made up of nominees, their families, employers and guests, her London 2012 Gold Medal and her MBE.
Neale McArdle, Training Director of Poultec Training, congratulated the nominees, who travelled from locations throughout the UK to attend the event, who represented 1% of the learners that Poultec had trained over the last 12-months. Neale described how Poultec continues to receive positive feedback from learners and employers alike and offered thanks to their team of tutors. Poultec continue to have some of the highest levels of successes when it comes to learners completing qualifications.
Poultec’s team of catering students provided an extensive buffet for the guests, followed by handmade cakes and biscuits after the event. Jessica-Jane gave her seal of approval to the cupcakes and brownies at the event and via her Twitter account.