Norfolk & Suffolk Skills and Careers Festival

Poultec Training has had a successful two days exhibiting at this year’s Norfolk & Suffolk Skills and Careers Festival at the Norfolk Showground. The festival is a chance for high school students to discover a huge range of opportunities available to help them take the next step towards their career. Along with 100 other exhibitors from all sorts of different industries in East Anglia we helped to motivate, inspire and offer information, advice and guidance to every student who came to the stand.
With a record of 7,000 school students visiting over the two days the Poultec team were busy speaking about and handing out brochures on our Apprenticeships and Study Programmes as well as giving away our branded pens and bags. We also showcased some of our training programme areas such as Fitness and Hairdressing by running a plank challenge and our hairdressing tutor and students styled visitors hair. The stand provided an opportunity for the Poultec team to speak with upcoming school leavers, potential employers on other stands and careers advisors and look forward to welcoming any new students or employers to work with us.
If you require more information, contact us on 01362 850983 or visit