Poultec Learner Awards Day 2022!

We held our annual Learner Awards ceremony on Tuesday 28th June 2022 at a new venue, Norwich City Football Club. A total of fifty-four nominees were nominated by their tutors they were chosen because they believe they have overcome barriers during their learning or believe that additional recognition of their achievement is deserved. It’s not just about the result of the EPA; but the distance that the learner has travelled during their learning.
Edward Bales welcomed all nominees, employers and guests to the Awards and highlighted that we are celebrating the success of over 3000 learners who have successfully completed training programmes with us over the last 12months but a special recognition to those nominated who have excelled in their training programme. ‘Your commitment and hard work, has been recognised by your tutors, leading to your nomination, regardless of whether you are an award winner today or not you should be proud of your outstanding achievements. Well done to you all.’ Ed mentioned.
We were joined by guest speaker Oa Hackett from Little Lifts. Poultec is proud to be a Platinum sponsor to Little Lifts, continuing to support their work. Oa began her speech telling everyone her personal breast cancer story and how it led her to forming Little Lifts a charity that provides the most thoughtfully handpicked and packed gifts to support people with breast cancer. Oa finished her speech with some very motivational words ‘Work out your values, find out what makes ‘you tick’ and then go and get it.’
For more information visit www.littlelifts.org.uk
The Awards ceremony consisted of 15 categories representing each of the areas that Poultec Training delivers. George Watts-Sturrock, Anne Cooper-Barrett, Michelle Bugg all conducted a brief speech regarding their specific programme area followed by inviting all nominees to the stage to then announce the winner. Edward Bales, Managing Director presented certificates and then trophies, which were produced by 4sportgroup to each winner.
Winner results;
- Agriculture Apprenticeship - Elliot Faulkner
- Butchery & Food Manufacturing Apprenticeship - Evan Keer
- Business & Administration Apprenticeship - Pippa Souster
- Management Apprenticeship - Terry Newell
- Customer Service Apprenticeship - Jazmin Hughes
- Warehousing & Storage Apprenticeship - Scott Oakley
- Hairdressing & Barbering Apprenticeship - Chloe Darkins
- Dental Nursing Apprenticeship - Rebecca-Ashley Williams
- Equine & Animal Care Apprenticeship - Beth Wilkinson
- Engineering Apprenticeship - Jez Hollis
- Employability Skills Study Programme - Layla Reeve
- Hospitality & Catering Study Programme - Ryan Goldspring
- Sports & Fitness Study Programme - Brandon Woodhouse
- Hairdressing & Barbering Study Programme - Lily Fitzsimmons
- Engineering Study Programme - Sam Platten
The Presentation of Progression Award was presented by Associate Director, Ben Gaskins. This penultimate Award recognizes progression, this is key to all our training programmes and it was great to see so many faces who have progressed within their careers upon completing a programme with us. Ben said ‘I’m excited to present this award as I have worked with a number of the candidates nominated.’
…And the winner was Kholosa Vundsa. Her work ethic, attitude and commitment throughout her Apprenticeship has been exceptional and has achieved a distinction at End Point Assessment. Upon completing the Apprenticeship and practicing within the profession for just 6 months Kholosa has recently been promoted to practice manager of Taverham Dental Health Clinic.
Associate Director, Leroy Burrell presented the Apprentice of the Year Award. ‘As a former apprentice myself, I know first-hand how your Apprenticeship will provide an excellent foundation to your career. Therefore, it is my pleasure to announce the winner of the Apprentice of the year award.’ Stated Leroy
…And the winner was Pippa Souster. Pippa was chosen for this award in recognition for her determination to succeed – her work was to an exceptional standard, always completed on-time and she had the desire to learn more. She demonstrated professionalism within her work, delivering presentations in departmental meetings and when asked joined a project team, taking on additional responsibilities.
The ceremony held at Carrow Road, was attended by over 150 people in total who all enjoyed an Afternoon Tea prepared by Delia's Canary Catering team. Michelle Bugg (Curriculum Director) closed the ceremony by thanking all learners, employers, guest for celebrating with us and thanked all Poultec and NCFC staff members who were involved in making it all happen.