Poultec Poultry Apprentice, Aimee Cox wins the Zoetis NFU Poultry Trainee Award 2022

Poultec Training staff are delighted to hear that all three finalists for this years Zoetis NFU Poultry Trainee Award were Apprentices who trained with Poultec. The Poultec marketing team met Apprentices Aimee Cox, Jack McAlister and representatives for Victoria Axon, who could not attend, on the NFU stand at the Pig & Poultry Fair 2022. A presentation was delivered by NFU President, Minette Batters anouncing runners up Jack and Victoria and winner Aimee was awarded her certificate and trophy along with her employer James Charlesworth from Red Hall Farming Limited.
‘I was so surprised I was nominated let alone to be awarded the winner. It’s still slowly sinking in, it was a dream come true as I was presented with my trophy and certificate by Minette Batters, who I have greatly admired for a long time, she’s my idol!
Being nominated, then winning has been a great confidence boost, I feel Scott, my Poultec Apprenticeship tutor, has been so understanding and supportive of my learning, it’s been fantastic to learn about the how’s and whys in the commercial poultry sector and put into practice new found information. I’m currently feeling very excited to continue the work with Poultec, which has given me a greater knowledge of legislations, continued developments in the sector and the oportunity to grow within the industry, which I am very passionate about.
Regarding the prize money, I am still looking at a few options to develop my training further, but upto now I am leaning towards studying poultry nutrition through The Royal College of Dick, Edinburgh University who work closely with the Roslyn Institute of Science. I feel that understanding the ever developing broiler chicken’s nutritional requirements will be hugely beneficial for the future, looking at different sources for the raw ingredients, like soya alternatives and the potential for porcine based proteins to be used in poultry feeds. I feel the next few years are going to be very egg-citing and cannot thank Scott enough for the ongoing support, encouragement and patience he has shown me.’ Says Aimee
The Zoetis – NFU Poultry Trainee Award has been running for 12 years, encouraging entrants to train for a career in the poultry industry. The award is judged on the progress made by relative newcomers to the industry, of all ages through workplace training and on their plans to develop their careers through future training. It has been won by people working with broilers, breeders, turkeys and ducks – in pedigree breeding as well as commercial production including candidates from the egg sector.
The winner of this year's Zoetis – NFU Poultry Trainee Award will receive a £2,000 training grant from Zoetis, and can choose how to use this on specific training whether in poultry or more general career advancement.
Aimee’s tutor, Scott says ‘Since Aimee’s enrolment onto her Poultry Technician Apprenticeship she has been keen to learn and demonstrate her ability and knowledge of the Poultry industry. Aimee’s attention to detail is amazing and she is very keen to progress she has a plan for training and development, to advance her career. Aimee completed her Apprenticeship during the COVID-19 pandemic, so had to advert to remote and online sessions, which she took in her stride, continuing to work to a high standard.