Team meetings become a HITT

Poultec’s Fitness tutor, Tiago, has started running weekly exercise sessions via Zoom with the Business and Management team before their team meetings. These 20 minute sessions are based on exercises that can easily be done at home. ‘No need to have all the gear, there are lots of household alternatives that can be used instead such as tins of beans in a plastic bag for weights’ says Tiago.
Exercise not only helps you become fitter it also releases endorphins, a natural chemical that makes us feel good, reduce mental fatigue improving your quality of sleep, reduce feelings of anxiety and depression, improve joint pain and stiffness. Therefore, these sessions should benefit the whole team in lots of ways. These sessions have been running for 2 weeks and so far, the team have done circuit training and a HITT training session both of which are high-intensity interval training. Everyone within each staff members household is welcome to join in, including children.
Programme Manager Anne says, ‘I thought it would be a good team building exercise as well as lifting everyone's spirits, even if you are not doing all the exercises you are still having fun and being part of the team. This exercise session is good for both mental wellbeing and physical fitness. So far everyone has joined in and said they enjoyed being part of a team and working together.... plus, we all had a laugh!’