Winner of Pig & Poultry Market Award for Commitment to Poultry Industry Training

The 2012 Pig & Poultry Marketing Awards took place at the Haymarket Hotel London, where Poultec’s Managing Director Edward Bales collected ‘The Poultry Industry Award for Commitment to Training’.
The Pig & Poultry Marketing Awards are designed to reward production excellence, marketing communications and knowledge transfer. The Awards were presented by Andy Black, Managing Director of Springetts Brand Design Consultants. The event was also attended by The Minister of State for Agriculture and Food, James Paice MP, who welcomed the opportunity to hear the views of such inspirational businesses in the industry.
Speaking at the awards, the judges highlighted the reasons why Poultec were selected for this award “the initiative was clearly committed to delivering quality training to the poultry sector; from multi-national integrators to small family farms. Poultec delivers an exceptional level of training via the e-portfolio system to ensure that students have a large selection of support material available.”.
Poultec’s Managing Director, Edward Bales was thrilled at winning the award and said “We at Poultec pride ourselves in supporting the Poultry sector by providing high quality, professional training. It is always great to receive such recognition from the industry.” In the photo Andy Black, Managing Director, Springetts Brand Design Consultants, Edward Bales, Managing Director, Poultec Training Limited and Mark Stanton, Intensive-Livestock Manager with Vetoquinol.